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(3Hr) 2Lbs Black Forest Cake from PC Hotel

(3Hr) 2Lbs Black Forest Cake from PC Hotel
(3Hr) 2Lbs Black Forest Cake from PC Hotel
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Product Code: PC786001
  • Location: Lahore

Same Day 4 Hours Delivery Available for this Product. Black forest cake is English name of germen dessert “Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte”. This cake is combination of rich chocolate cake layers with cherries, pineapple and whipped cream frosting. This cake is mostly liked and selling cake in Lahore. This cake is prepared by expert chefs of Pearl Continental Hotel who know best the job that they do. Order the black forest cake of PC Hotel (five star) online and we will send the gift to your dear one. A free message card will be delivered with cake.

2lbs Black Forest Cake

Coverage: Lahore.

Instant Gifts Delivery

Instant Gifts Delivery in Lahore in just three hours. Place order online between 10:00AM to 7:00PM to get gifts delivered in the same day in next three hours. Areas outside city like Raiwand, Behria, Bedian, shahdra are not included for three hours delivery service.

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  • All product pictures are representative, actual look and feel of product delivered may vary as per availability.
  • Please note that all perishable items, like; cake, flowers, sweets, etc. are sourced from local vendors nearest to the delivery location and are by-hand delivered.
  • Now you can place your order before 02:00pm (Pakistan Standard Time) for same day delivery.
  • Same day delivery service is not available for big events; like Eid day, Fathers day, Mothers day, New Year, Christmas or Valentines day. (One day advance booking is necessary for delivery on such days.)

Note: For all the perishable items, order will be considered delivered and will not be responsible in same/similar cases below:

  • Wrong delivery/shipping address
  • Recipient not available
  • Premises found locked
  • Recipient refused to accept gifts
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